Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Kids and Toys

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:45 AM, ,

Thatta Kedona Documentaries - How it all started

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Thatta Kedona - the toy village of Pakistan - Part 1

Thatta Kedona - the toy village of Pakistan - Part 2

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:00 AM, ,

And Again: Topic NGO

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Omar M. Ali, Njini King Caro, Ricardo Koslez and Norbert Pintsch
Money is not there for its own sake, but for the sake of the society.
Time is NOT money.
Time is for the benefit of the society.
LIFE is not there to suppress other members of the society, but to serve them.
Development does not mean Consumption, Job-Searching and Leisure Activity any more, rather the quest for the highest form of luxury: the voluntary surrender and drawing of individual boundaries for the good of the society.
Again and again we come across good reasons for pointing out the differences between the NON-Government Organizations and the Government organizations and companies!

NGOs work without a fixed budget and financial planning. This means their existence is not secured fund the highest level of attention is required to navigate the small boat in stormy waters of everyday situations.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:16 AM, ,

German Connections - Goethe and Iqbal in Today's Scenario

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The Pakistan-German Friendship Society “Goethe-Zentrum” in association with Iqbal-Academy, Lahore and Institute of Communication Studies, Punjab University is organizing “International Conference DIALOGUE versus CONFLICT” - GOETHE and IQBAL in Today’s Scenario - on Nov 30-Dec 1, 2006 at The Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore.

The idea of this conference and its connection to the great thinkers and philosophers Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is not hard to see. A connection between Goethe’s message of friendship and respect to the East in his “West-Östlicher-Divan (West-Eastern-Divan)” and Iqbal’s “Mard-e-Momin”, who, while being a devoted Muslim, is required to gain knowledge from West and from East. By stressing upon character building among Muslims, Iqbal preached the ways of dialogue and peaceful co-existence of cultures instead of conflict. 


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:36 PM, ,

Happy Independence Day

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Independence Day Info Graphic:


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:02 AM, ,

Extreme Housing

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Dr. Norbert Pintsch and Ghayyoor Obaid

A pre-condition for development of future-oriented housing concepts is the capability to be open and to question what is currently available.


This long-term project of the IPC has its roots in the beginning of the 60's of the last century, which was characterized by continuously improving technological possibilities and enormous changes in the psychological and social behavior. These refer apart from raising of children, family life and way of cooking, practical methods of production and problems of intimate areas (discontinuation of shower and WC-paper) and clothing (different forms of fashion) also to furnishings and fixtures, which follow different compulsions. Similarly, the designs are more function oriented and therefore differ totally from the traditionally known and usual forms of design.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:34 AM, ,

Art of Infrastructure

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Have a look at these posters (# and #) and also see Mobile Modes and Truck Art and you can imagine how fast things are changing. May be we will only have some of the old, cultural and eco friendly functions we are so used to only in museums.

You are the best judge to decide what is good for us?

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:00 AM, ,

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