Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:05 AM, ,

Architecture students from Lahore on excursion trip to TGD

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Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka, commonly called Dolls Village, has special attraction for all those who are interested in architecture and those who are interested in traditional housing. Thanks to the long standing experiences of the TTTC with simple technology and mud housing, combined with the cooperation with SPARC in Lahore that the common perception about local and environment friendly materials has undergone a fundamental change. Through the initiative IEC@BNU and through the FPAC Foundation, which publishes the quarterly magazine GREEN MAG, for the first time architecture students and professors have visited the project intentionally in order to acquaint themselves with the traditional mud architecture and how it exists in Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka. On their way to the village, between Lahore and Okara, the group also visited a Bio-Gas-Installation facility. Here are some images of the trip.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:30 AM, ,

BNU University Students in Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka

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Students from different universities visit Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka for research, learning and excursion. Here students from Beaconhouse National University are being briefed by Farooq Ahmed of Thatta Kedona in WAC in the Village.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:12 AM, ,

Dr Karola Groch's Role in Basic Health Unit at Dolls Village

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Dr Karola / DGFK with staff from Basic Health Unit,
an institution from AFA (NGO)
 in village Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka

Dr Karola Groch - the Medical Doctor – was in Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka (aka Dolls Village) for more than 10 times. She has played a very memorable role in the development of Basic Health Unit (BHU) in the Village. She plans to visit the Dolls Village once again. This time she will also take 1 baby – 1 tree.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:00 AM, ,

About Autonomous Bio-molecular and Poly-crystalline Organisms in Construction Structures

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Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch (M.CE., M.Arch., MBA), Lahore

The term Housing 1) was discussed in some of our recent articles and we referred there to the Cultural Model 2), in which the human effort is actively promoted, -the traditional one as well as the so called traditional one.

Although it was not possible to completely avoid the conflict between religion and science, still we were able to describe in one go a new cultural formula 3).
The Inter-dependencies 4) between the individual areas can be epoch-making, for example currently the economy.

Is an individual area so important, it can be compared with a cold star in the astronomical terminology.

In our example this would mean that the economy does continue to play its role but not in its current ly known form.

The history of science amply proves that followers of a certain surviving form or method cannot be easily convinced through arguments. As the Nobel-prize winning scientist Max-Planck once said, the next generations will be "normally" working with things that today appear to be cimpossible or non-sensical. This should mean that it takes only one generation to make unthinkable quite normal.

The technology is extremely dependent upon the economy and therefore economic considerations appear always to play a role, which however is only short-term and short-sighted and actually based upon a postponement of the problems and actually assumes the problems of Resource-wastage, environmental pollution and destruction of cultural values 5), which however also requires the ability to recognize these losses. One cannot and does not want to recognize something which one cannot see !
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:57 AM, ,

Recycling Project

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Boys from Government School who collected plastic bags from the village are on a visit to the Green Earth Lahore. Farooq Ahmed (Manager TTTC), Miss Marleen Hameed (German Volunteer) and a teacher and the Government Boys School accompanied them. On the trip, in addition to excursion, the boys will see what happens to the plastic collected by them that will help them understand about significance of recycling.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:38 AM, ,

Project - Arabic

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{Arabic Text - Click image to enlarge}


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:10 AM, ,

Disclosure Policy

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This blog is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content. The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:16 PM, ,

Pakistan House Potsdam

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Eröffnung des Pakistan House Potsdam, Mai 2001

Eröffnung des Pakistan House Potsdam, Mai 2001 Humeira Hassan, Charge d´ Affaires / Pak. Botschaft und Prof. Dr. Norbert Pintsch / PHP

ALLGEMEINES: Das (PHP) ist die einzige pakistanische Einrichtung in den neuen Bundesländern, das die Arbeit des Deutsch-Pakistanischen Forums, wie auch der Deutsch-Pakistanischen Gesellschaft unterstützt und gerne Interessenten informiert. Das PHP dient für Projektbesprechungen und Projektvorbereitungen; ebenso zur Projektinformation in einem Showroom. Das etwa 235-Jahre alten Punjab-Tor im Hofbereich (unterstützt durch Federation of Pakistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Karachi u.a.) bildet mit den Grundmauern des PHP ein etwa 500 Jahre altes interessantes Ensemble mit anregender Atmosphäre, auch für offizielle Anlässe. Die offizielle Einweihung fand im Mai 2001 anlässlich des 3. Deutsch-Pakistanischen Dialogs in Berlin, unter Mitwirkung von: H.E. Humaira Hasan / Pakistan Embassy statt.

KOOPERATIONEN: Das Pakistan House Potsdam ist die bisher einzige Einrichtung im deutschsprachigen Raum die über die pakistanische NGO (Anjuman-e-Falah-e-Aama) und die deutsche NGO (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kultur) speziell mit unterschiedlichen Institutionen in Pakistan kooperiert, u.z.:

Moh. Nawaz, Harappa
Aksic, Muzaffarabad
Punjab Kaliko Printing, Lahore
Threadnet, Karimabad
Nomad Gallery, Islamabad
Munira Alam, Peshawar
Better Tomorrow Welfare Organization, Rawalpindi
Al-Falah-House, Karachi
Sungi Development Foundation, Haripur
Behbud Association of Pakistan, Islamabad.

GRUNDLAGE: Basis für die Kooperation ist die 1998 in der Stadthalle Bonn, von der Pakistanischen Botschaft in Bonn und dem Export Promotion Bureau in Karachi organisierte - Ausstellung HANDICRAFT FROM PAKISTAN die einen Überblick zur Arbeit aller oben genannten Projekte gab.

LEITUNG: Pakistan House Potsdam
Amjad Ali, Prof. Dr. Pintsch,
Dr. Senta Siller für die Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kultur e.V. Berlin, Potsdam.

ANSCHRIFT / KONTAKT: Pakistan House Potsdam
Charlottenstraße 121
14467 Potsdam
Tel. u. Fax.: ++49 331 20 10 881
Besuche nur nach Vereinbarung

Pakistan House Moves On


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:46 AM, ,

Meeting with PM Pakistan

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From our Archieve

Dr. Senta Siller and Prof. Dr. Norbert Pintsch of Anjuman-e-Falah-e-Aama (Thatta Kedona) with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:47 AM, ,

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