Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Gross Behnitz

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:07 AM, ,

Bazaar in Hamburg and Berlin

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Thatta Kedona volunteers, artists and those who like art and culture love bazaars. Lately, one bazaars were held in Hamburg and Berlin. Here are the images from the event showing Dr. Senta Siller with volunteer Uta Moeller (upper image) and Stephanie (lower image).

Related: Bazaar in House of Economy, Stuttgart

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:20 PM, ,

Volunteer at Work in TTTC - Tiles Protection

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:55 AM, ,

Painting Workshop in Women Art Center TGD

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:00 AM, ,

Fine Art of Making Dolls

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:00 PM, ,

Thatta Kedona Products

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:06 AM, ,

Abbreviations used at Thatta Kedona

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AeFeA (or AFA) - Anjuman-e-Falah-e-Aama

BHU - Basic Health Unit

DOW - Dolls of the World

TTTC - Technical Transfer and Training Center

TGD – Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka

WAC - Women Arts Center


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:40 AM, ,

Dr. Senta Siller Calling

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Double click to enlarge.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:00 AM, ,


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Alverdens dukker - Dukker fra hele verden.

Man har altid haft dukker. Der er fundet dukker i udgravninger i Sydamerika, Japan, Italien, Grækenland og mange andre steder i hele verden. De er lavet af så forskellige materialer træ, voks, ler og stof, og de var ikke kun legetøj, de blev ofte brugt som religiøse symboler i form af små mennesker. Endnu i dag bliver de af mange folkeslag brugt som feticher. Eksperterne er ikke enige om, hvad det oprindelige formål med dukkerne var. Var de legetøj, der udviklede sig til kultgenstande eller var de kultgenstande, der blev til legetøj?

Udover at være legetøj med pædagogisk formål er dukker en realistisk dokumentation for, hvordan man til forskellige tider og på forskellige steder har anskuet verden. Dukkerne er en vigtig kilde til vores viden om, hvordan man har levet og arbejdet, leget og handlet og er dermed vigtige kulturbærere.

Dr Senta Siller har startet dukkeprojekter i blandt andet Pakistan, Cameroun og Columbia. Disse projekter har sat en selvforstærkende udvikling i gang ved at give kvinderne mulighed for at tjene penge på deres håndarbejder, et lille men væsentligt bidrag til at udvikle landområderne og standse udvandringen til de store byer. Dukkerne er håndlavede og deres tøj og andet tilbehør er kopier af egnens originale dragter og brugsgenstande. De gamle mønstre og moder får på denne måde nyt liv og en vigtig plads i hverdagen.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:20 AM, ,

Dolls of the World

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{Arabic Text - Click image to enlarge}


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:51 PM, ,

International COMSAT Workshop on Environmentally Sustainable Development

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Dr. Norbert Pintsch explaining current projects being developed at TTTC at COMSAT One Day Workshop on Renewable Energy and Sanitation (Dry Toilet System) held on October 25, 2007 in Abbotabad (More pictures in Photo Stream down the sidebar).

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:28 PM, ,

Frequently Asked Questions

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From information we got from internet, we would also like to start an income generating measure: what must we do?

Motivation to do something, inspiration and vision and the readiness to find a new way and a new product are necessary to start.

How can we manufacture dolls in traditional clothes economically?

It is not the cheap manufacturing that should be the main consideration rather affectionate conversion of traditional dresses into dolls.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:35 AM, ,

Special Products

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Thatta Kedona makes following ethic dolls (boys and girls):
Related: Display and Sales Point

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:05 AM, ,

Extreme Housing

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Dr. Norbert Pintsch

We have already discussed and illustrated Technology and Economy in connection with extreme housing in in parts 1 and 2. Here we discuss the area of Philosophy and the Religion in order to complete the whole picture.

First of all a note on, perhaps surprising, aspects of Religion:
  1. The basis of thinking of believers as well as non-believers is identical. If non-believers are of the opinion, they are free of religious limitations and think clearly on scientific lines, so this shows actually their incapacity to admit the influence of religion on our way of thinking.
  2. One should accept this fact in order to understand the errors in the usual way of thinking, giving a shocking dimension to the usual concepts of finding problem solutions.
  3. In western systems, one is inclined in religious matters to make a comparison between bananas and Neem-tree, i.e. one compares, what is actually incomparable, e.g. a religion with a total life system. One can only compare in order to recognize the differences and after that again separate, because the incomparability becomes apparent,- a continuously changing process which should be quite clear.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:17 AM, ,

Pond Project

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Buffalo pond is already functioning in the village. The Goal of the project is connect the (gray water) canals in different bazaars with the pond, so that grey water can run in the pond. On a special mark, the water will be pumped into the regional canal, and fresh water will be brought into the pond from the regional canal.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:05 AM, ,

Technology Transfer and Training Centre

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:41 AM, ,

Appropriate Technology With Dr. Tobias Leonhard

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Dr. Tobias Leonhard worked for the 10th time in the Men’s Centre. During his last visit, Dr. Tobias had contributed to the expansion of products made of tin sheet. In this visit, he carried out improvements in the area of "Appropriate Technology" with particular reference to the already installed Wind Turbine, which was the result of the five-month stay of Zephanja Arzt last year. The first proto-type was noisy and showed wear and tear. It was installed on wooden supports. In the second proto-type, it was established that metal supports were better than the wooden supports, whereas it is important in these technologies, that local materials are used. The units can be used in the rural areas and produce electricity totally independent of the central technical infra-structure. The demand for energy in the rural area is not as high as in the urban area. A small light (LED), a fan, charging of cell-phone or lap-top battery - excessive energy is not required. More experiments however must be carried out to reach this objective.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:00 AM, ,

Thatta Kedona - The Toy Village of Pakistan - Part 1 (Germany 2005) (2005-05-08)

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Thatta Kedona is a remarkable village in rural Pakistan. 36 volunteers from Western countries have visited and coached the village people in a help to self help project since 1991. Dolls and tin toys reflecting regional cultures of Pakistan are products which generate cash income for the farming families through the local cooperative-like NGO. But those volunteers from Western countries are also having fun by working creatively in a remote village of Islamic society with strong overlays by the traditional culture of Indus Valley (Harappa 3.000 B.C.), the Mogul period, influences from the colonial British-India period and the Punjab country culture. Hence the playfulness of a "toy village" is on both sides: for the villagers by manufacturing hand-craft toys for cash in a not-yet industrialized region avoiding rural exodus to the big cites (poverty slums that are generated in cities by migration). -- And on the other side one can notice the joy of Western volunteers being confronted at work by their own history framework but in present time and with a very foreign and sometimes strange context.

Director: Joachim Polzer

Producer: Joachim Polzer

Production Company: Polzer Media Group GmbH & Globians Media Project

Audio/Visual: sound, color

Language: German and English

Contact Information: All rights reserved for commercial use of this work. Please contact Polzer Media Group GmbH (Potsdam, Germany) for licensing ( Music used in this work is subject to licensing at "Globians" is a registered trade and service mark.

Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

Thumbnails for Thatta Kedona - The Toy Village of Pakistan - Part 1 (Germany 2005)

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:29 PM, ,

Aamir Rafiq from University of Punjab Lahore in TGD

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Aamir Rafique (PU) and Muhammad Iqbal (Harrapa)
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:30 AM, ,

Thatta Kedona Architecture Competition in the past

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Related: Thatta Kedona Architecture Competition in the past now


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:00 AM, ,

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