Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Book Distribution by Special Guest in TGD - 2014

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Irene Moser from Switzerland, the first volunteer lady, working with the initiator of village project TGD, has visited the project. Earlier, she was here with Dr Senta Siller in 1993 - 21 years ago! 

Irene Moser spent busy time in the village, met the community members, give an interview for RadioTV Thatta Village and also spent time with youn students where she handed over school books and copies to boys and girls in the village school - which is a tradition since the beginning of the project. Here are some images from the occasion:
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:59 AM, ,

Who is Saba Mallah?

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Read Salman Rashid story 'Standing ovation for Saba' here.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:41 AM, ,

Sohanjna [Moringa] being processed in TGD

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:31 PM, ,

International Dolls Museum, Flateyri

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International Dolls Museum, Flateyri is a wonderful place that attracts lot of people with shared interests. In addition to the attraction the Museum is famous for, now visitors can also purchase the handicrafts from the region while they appreciate the dolls and enjoy coffee and cake. Also available are the small catalogue of the museum, a bag (see illustration below) is also available for carrying the purchased items or as a souvenir. Visitors will also like cards, with wonderful local scenery in silhouette. See the illustrations below:
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:43 PM, ,

کولون: ریشماں کی تانیں اور کے ٹو

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چھ اپریل کو جرمن شہر کولون میں ’اوریئنٹ‘ کے نام سے ایک روزہ تقریبات کے دوران جہاں گلوکارہ ریشماں کی آواز میں 
نغمے گونجتے رہے، وہیں شمالی پاکستان کے بلند و بالا پہاڑوں سے متعلق ایک فلم شو بھی دکھایا گیا۔

اتوار کے روز کولون کے راؤٹن شٹراؤخ ژوئشٹ میوزیم میں ان تقریبات کا آغاز صبح دَس بجے ہوا اور یہ شام چھ بجے اپنے اختتام کو پہنچیں۔ ان تقریبات پر ترک ثقافت کی چھاپ اگرچہ زیادہ گہری تھی تاہم وہاں ایشیا، عرب دنیا اور قفقاز کے خطّے سے بھی رنگا رنگ دستکاری مصنوعات اور رقص و موسیقی کے مظاہرے پروگرام کا حصہ رہے۔ ساتھ ساتھ مختلف 
مذاکروں میں ان خطّوں کے فن و ثقافت اور زبان و ادب کو بھی موضو ع بنایا گیا تھا۔

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:05 AM, ,

Art and More

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Thatta Kedona Art and More by f560415578

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5:04 PM, ,

Blog-Cinema: Pakistan trilogy Two - "Commitment" (D 1991, 29 min) [Web Premiere]

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Pakistan trilogy Two: "Commitment", D 1991, 29 min Production: DGFK. A film by Amjad Ali, Norbert Pintsch, Joachim Polzer and Senta Siller, analog video, SD, 4:3.

The second part of Pakistan trilogy depicts examples of civic engagement (relatively affluent) citizens in the cities of Pubjab.

Anese Fatima Majid Khan, founder of the Foundation Esena girls high school, died in early April 2013 Your Funeral and Memorial page on Facebook.:

The Foundation Esena girls high school in Lahore lives and works on:

The first two parts of Pakistan trilogy born in 1991; Part One, entitled "Amjad's Village" on the home village of the German-wave journalist Amjad Ali can be found here:

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:46 PM, ,

Mud House Owners Annual Quality of Life Competition

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Friends of Thatta Kedona know about our annual Mud House Owners Annual Quality of Life Competition – cherished AFA tradition when owners compete for the best mud house, details and designs. Everyone take part and prepare before the competition. It goes without saying that this is the spirit of that NGO AFA has infused in the villagers and they look forward to the compaction. In the process the village can be seen in an immaculate condition round the year. Here are some of the images of the competition this year:
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:26 AM, ,

University Students Come to TGD

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Once again students from the University of the Punjab University visited the village TGD in order to obtain an impression about the life in rural area. They spent time in the building of the NGO as well as traditional mud houses.

As usual, the FPAC sponsored the purchase of books and pencils for school children at the start of the school year in the village school. The FPAC promotes education in the rural areas with emphasis on TGD as well a project for students of civil engineering, who should not only learn theoretically about mud architecture but also work actively with mud in given structures. Here are some of the images of the event:
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:01 AM, ,

Recent Developments in the Basic Health Unit (BHU) AFA Thatta Ghulamla Dhiroka

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Dr Leila, DGFK, General Physician, New Zealand, Bettina Fiedler, DGFK, Pharmacist, Germany Dr Elizabeth DGFK, General Physician, Australia, Dr Karola, CIDA, SES, General Physician, Germany, Rescue Nurse, Switzerland, Erika Burchard, Optician, Germany, Gundula Gomoll, Physiotherapist, Germany


Originally meant to be medical service in a neglected village with 40 patients in the beginning put up ina temporary housing. Shifting into a converted farmers house with equipments for Doctors,nurses and patients chambers as well as residentials room in upper storey for doctor and assistants.

The upper story is now also available for registered guests or tourists against payment [WC, Shower and Kitchen is available].

Once a year "One-Baby-OneTree" event takes place. A measure for improvement of micro-climate.
The school children in the village schools are treated for lice and other special insects once a year regularly.

The BHU is funded through donations. A Tambola event is organized annually to raise funds for supporting the work of the BHU.

A change is taking place due to the massive influence of industrially produced medicines; uncontrolled use of medicines is leading to various illnesses. The NGO has therefore decided to promote the use of traditional medicines (Moringa-tree, Neem Tree).

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:49 AM, ,

Spring Comes to TGD

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:31 AM, ,

Moringa Tree Plantation in TGD

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SES Volunteer Marlis Bartkiewitz-Schmid [SES from Switzerland] is very active for the Health-project in the Village TGD. Here are some images showing Marlis in Rehman Nursery at Patoki and with residents discussing Moringa Tree [called Sohanjna locally) plantation.

It is interesting to note that every household in the Village already has one fruite and one flower tree. Now they will have another – Moringa.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:30 AM, ,


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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:44 AM, ,

Dolls, Toys and More

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Related: Thatta Kedona volunteers, Thatta Kedona Dolls, Thatta Kedona Toys, Thatta Kedona Images, Dr. Norbert Pintsch, Dr. Senta Siller, Sale Points

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:00 PM, ,

Spring Comes to Thatta Kedona

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Prof. Norbert Pintsch arrives in Pakistan this morning (April 1, 2014). He will be followed by Marlis Bartkiewitz. With the arrival of foreign volunteers spring activities of A-F-A (village NGO) will start.

Dr Norbert Pintsch will toggle between Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi while he organizes traditional activities in village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka. He, along with students of different universities, will also be working building projects of SPARC.

Marlis Bartkiewitz [from SES] will be working in BHU and Kitchen Garden projects. This time Marlis is introducing herbal trees, creepers and bushes that are used for medicine. Marlis will also work in Government schools for boys and girls.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:17 AM, ,

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