Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

’ٹھٹہ کھڈونا‘: پاک جرمن غیر سرکاری تعاون کی کامیاب مثال

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پنجاب کے ایک گاؤں ’ٹھٹہ غلام کا دھیروکا‘ میں ’’ٹھٹہ کھڈونا‘‘ کے نام سے جاری ایک ثقافتی ترقیاتی منصوبے کو پاکستان اور جرمنی کے مابین غیر سرکاری تعاون کی ایک عمدہ اور کامیاب مثال قرار دیا جاتا ہے

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:36 AM, ,

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Super Senta Siller!

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A tribute by Amjad Ali to Dr Senta Siller on the eve of her birthday

There are some people you encounter in life who do not wait for things to happen. They just make things happen.

Dr. Senta Siller is one such person in my life.

My first recollection of Dr. Siller is from the days I spent at the Lette Verein in the German capital, Berlin, some 33 years ago. I had secured admission at Lette Verein in 1984 and it was there that I first met her.

Thankfully, it was not the last time.

Needless to say that Lette Verein is one of prestigious German organisations for Applied Arts. It was founded by Dr. Wilhelm Adolf Lette way back in 1866.

My three-year diploma course in Graphic Design was completed by 1987 but my formal association, which subsequently transformed into cherished friendship, with my teachers and mentors Dr. Siller and her spouse Dr. Norbert Pintsch remains intact till date. I do hope and believe that our friendship will survive until we are present in this world in a physical form.

Yes, as long as we are alive and kicking.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:00 AM, ,

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