Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Making a Difference

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Two volunteers Therapist Gundula (left) and Porter Monika Kuppler (right) are working in Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka, the famous Dolls Village in rural Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:46 AM, ,

Lahore International Association at TGD

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:33 AM, ,

Summer Camp in Hunza with Monika and Sophie Kuppler

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The adventure of this year’s summer school started for three women from TGD, Shama Bibi, Sarvat Bibi, and Meraj Bibi and their teachers Monika (arts and handicrafts) and Sophie Kuppler (English). Unfortunately, in the last moment three of the originally six participants had to stay at home due to family problems. After 25 hours of sitting in the car they arrived at the guesthouse in Altit, Hunza where they stayed for 18 nights. The days were filled with learning English, enhancing handicraft skills, especially in pottery and doll making, cooking, and playing games.

For learning English the women were separated into two groups. One of them already knew some English and a school book was used to enhance her reading, speaking and writing skills. The other two women did never visit a school and thus never learned to read or write. In their lessons most weight was put on being able to communicate with the volunteers coming to teach handicrafts.

Thus, under a lot of laughter the learned things were repeated and deepened while working.Of course, the 2.5 weeks did not only serve to study, but also to get to know the country and how differently people live in the country’s north and south. The happier the participants were to find very friendly and welcoming village people, some of whom quickly became friends with the women from TGD. Knowledge about handicrafts was exchanged and cooking skills tested.

Also different living styles and styles of houses were discussed with the two local friends, Sultana and Bushra.The most exciting day for sure was the day of the excursion to the Passu glacier. Never before had the women touched or seen ice in their lives, now they could even walk on it!After an exciting and instructive 2.5 weeks everybody was happy to return to their families, sad to leave the newly made friends and full of wonderful memories. The participants of the summer school would like to thank Lions Club Heilbronn, Mrs Gabi Fröhlich, Explore Pakistan, Mr Shafqat Ali, and Mr Amir Jan, who all together made this stay possible and enjoyable.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:33 AM, ,


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Center for Appropriate Technology (CAT), is NGO based in Bamenda, Capital of North West Region in the Republic of Cameroon.

Vision of the NGO, founded in 2001, is development, presentation on exhibitions and promoting of appropriate technology. For men, do-it-yourself usage of appropriate technology gives a hope of independence from central technical infrastructure. And for women handmade dolls, dressed in traditional attires from the different provinces is a means of additional income generation in rural areas. CAT also involves children in different initiatives through Youngsters Club.

CAT has develop active cooperation with foreign NGOs like Technology Transfer and Training Centre in Pakistan, Institute for Planning and Consulting, German Society for the Development of Culture (DGFK) and Bamenda University of Science and Technology (B.U.S.T).

This blog, in addition to useful information about Cameroon (one of the most diverse African countries that is called Africa in Miniature) and its culture and people, will covers CAT initiatives and projects.

Mr Njini Victor is Programme Director and Sobe Manasse, Programme Coordinator and Assistant at CAT..

Related: Snail Farming in Cameroon


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:56 AM, ,

AeFeA Workshops With Monika Kuppler

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Monika Kuppler (on the left in upper image), one of the most dedicated volunteers that had come to TGD for the fourth time – has done a wonderful job during every visit. She conducts pottery workshop with groups of women and starts every time where she had left the previous time. That has resulted in some excellent developments; new products and enhanced skills. What is more, this time clay for pottery was procured from Harappa and Multan.

In addition, Monika had conducted another workshop with paper. Here are some of the glimpses of her work with women from TGD.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:52 AM, ,

Dolls Galore

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:45 AM, ,

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