Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

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Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch has been working tirelessly on Appropriate Technology in Cameroon, Pakistan and elsewhere.

I have the fortune to be familiar with Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch’s work in Technical Transfer and Training Center (TTTC) for Men in remoe Pakistani Village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka ,  Mud Project at Lahore and also what he has been doing to promote African energy through the use of solar energy with the meaningful and active coopration with Senior Expect Service (SES) Bonn-Germany and Society for the Advancement of Culture (DGFK) Berlin Germany as solutions to Climate Change and adaptation.

Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch has experience with no less than 133 projects since 1976 and each one of them has made a visible difference in more than one ways.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:58 PM, ,


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From ATP

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:58 PM, ,

Signs where civilization started

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Foreign volenters who come to Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka - The Dolls and Toys Village - sure visit Harrapa to see where the civilization started many centuries ago. Here German volunteer Gundula is visiting Harrapa with Dr. Norbert Pintsch.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:43 PM, ,

Churail in the Village

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Ramla Akhtar

The lives of the residents of this village changed 15 years when a German art teacher took up her student Amjad's invite and visited his village: Thatta Ghulam da Dheroka.

An enterprising spirit, she asked the villagers about their craft. The women showed her hand-made rag dolls. The art teacher, Dr Senta Siller, told the villagers she could teach them to make refined hand-made dolls.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:00 PM, ,

Dolly good

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Husain Qazi

S A J Shirazi's article Dolly good opened up a basket of sweet memories and took me back in year 2000 when someone told me about a doll village apparently belonging to the fairyland. So strong was the impact of narration that I was soon in that village which was surely more than my expectations, a classic example of a dream coming true by vision, determination and action. Dr Sahiba’s visualization of tapping the potential of village girls for making soft toys came true in just a year and the dolls of Thatta (near Gogera, Southern Punjab) were being sold in the European market which -besides the apparent financial gain, provided confidence -particularly for the women folk of the village and sparked a quest for sustainable development, which continues unabated .... The village farmers were trained in modern agri methods resulting in immense growth of agriculture, health and sanitation standards improved, the village school was revamped, massive tree plantation was carried out, a vocational centre was established for the training and skill development of village folks and of course the dolls and a host of other crafts are being produced and sold in and out of the country.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:30 AM, ,

Problems Facing Projects is Less-Developed World

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Pintsch

Who could have imagined during the Cold War how wonderful new socialism would be (Fast Food Spray 2002).

Problems facing projects is less-developed countries

One feature of the general approach in development co-operation that is not discussed much is misunderstandings between urban and rural cultures. The diversity between the cultures is ignored -- differences between the urban and rural culture of a country as well as between different cultures, between western and western-orientated cultures.

As a consequence of misunderstandings, processes are augmented, multiplied, compounded by use of scientific and industrial methods to assess the consequences of technology.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:32 AM, ,

Distribution of book - 2012

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Some years ago, Senior German Volunteer Dr. Senta Siller had conceived and implemented the idea of giving books to the students of two government schools in Thatta Kedona Ghulamka Dheroka – the Dolls and Toy Village to promote education in rural community. At the start of academic session, Thatta Kedona distributes the books (and stationary items) to the students of Government Girls Primary School as well as in Government Boys Primary School. Here are some images of the eve last year (2010).

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5:18 PM, ,

Why men change heart with time?

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Why people change as the grow old? Find it here.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:50 AM, ,

About Culture

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Pintsch

The culture, the traditional rural culture and the industrial city culture, the contents, the characteristics, changes are more or less the topics of discussion in various considerations on the subject. It may not be clear to many where the problem really is, or why the restlessness, why the discussion?

The term Culture is gladly used in these times. To be lacking in culture or be devoid of culture, no please! It does not surprise when one talks of eating, sleeping and drinking cultures. Educated people have the reading culture. Many are members of special cultures like leisure activities. One is sure to maintain high standard in body culture, which is by the way synonymous with the intensive use of perfumes. It underlines the positive image towards outside.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:18 PM, ,

Aid for development

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The amounts allocated in the federal budget for development aid say it all, namely that too much is being done and too little at the same time. How can that be, -only one thing can be true? And still, both are correct because for one it is too much and for the other too little.

Now, how does it look for the actively engaged people in development aid? They are mostly not thoroughly acquainted with the problems of the developing countries because they constantly make comparisons between their home and the project country und therefore very quickly develop a certain way of thinking, namely to develop themselves so much in the normally three years of participation in an overseas project, that they can build a small house of their own at home.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:30 PM, ,

Quilt Design

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:25 PM, ,

UAE Dolls

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A possibility for the participation of a Pakistani NGO at the Global Village of the Dubai Shopping Festival for exhibiting and offering its outstanding handicrafts products emerged in 2000 on the invitation of the consulate general of Pakistan in Dubai.

The first participation in the fair followed in 2001 and was quite successful right from the start, -reports of the local media also confirmed the success of advertising and media attention.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:16 PM, ,

Environment Protection Award

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6:25 PM, ,

My blog history

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Earlier it was actually my writings.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:28 AM, ,

Display and Sale

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Call: 0301-8456986 for appointment in the Show Room or visit:

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:49 PM, ,

Thatta Kedona Dolls

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Thatta Kedona is a project of the first Pakistan international NGO network in rural area where handmade quality dolls and toys are crafted using all indigenous material and traditional designs based on cultural and folklore themes. The workmanship of the dolls and toys has acclaimed international recognition and clientele through their participation in numerous international events, exhibitions, fairs and display at International Doll Museum Iceland and Deutsche Gesellschafr zur Foerderung der Kultar, Germany. These toys are the embodiment of dreams, hopes and most of all self-reliance of the hands, which breathe a part of the soul into them.

This is a holistic project. Handicraft is in the spot on the stage but the project has a cultural philosophy. Education, science, agriculture, hydrogeology (drinking water project), appropriate technology (men center with around 18 young men), public health (basic health unit with 7 ladies), economy (marketing, distribution), tourism and communication, are all is practice.

Awards, Special Invitations
Participations and or Collections

Dolls of the World - Project Description

Dolls have always been there

Proof of this is found in the escavations in South America, the Subcontinent, Japan, Italy, Greece, and other sites all over the world. Made out of sa number pof materials like wood, wax, clay, cloth etc., they were not only a toy but used also as religious symbols and cult items for example as miniaturized images of persons.

Even today they are used by many people as fetish. Today, the experts are not sure what was the first purpose of the dolls; as a toy, out of which the cult figure developed or the cult figure which became a toy.

Over and above their value as toys with educational value, dolls are realistic documentation of past and present times and therefore important source of our knowledge about the games, life, living and work conditions and economy. They are important cultural carriers.

Dr Senta Siller established different projects in Pakistan, Cameroun, Columbia, etc., in which small but long-term progress was made towards development of rural areas, help towards self-sustained development, discouragement of urbanization by way of income generating projects in the rural areas through production of certain types of handicraft items. Dolls are manufactured here lovingly and clothed in traditional dresses and accessories. Fabric design and types of clothing are revived and take an important place in daily life.

Dolls from Pakistan

The women project established by Dr Siller in 1993 in the pakistani province of Punjab, which has in the meanwhile also added a men centre, has 120 women members and it is generating income. The women here work not on full-time basis but in a traditional way so that family and field work is not compromised and festivals of different types, common in villages, can be celebrated as usual. The village Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka has about 1200 residents. The villagers established the NGO Anjuman-e-Falah-e-Aama in 1991, which co-operates with the DGFK e.V. (German Society for Promotion of Culture). The Anjuman itself co-operates with six further projects in the country.

Dolls from Cameroun

Three co-operatives (Akwatinuighah, Akaankang, HandiCraft CAT) are functioning since 1998 in Bamenda, the capital of the North-West Provinz in Cameroun, which is located near the border to Nigeria. Also this NGO co-operates with the DGFK, Germany. Bamenda has about 60000 residents living on seven hills, who speak eight different languages. Apart from the men of CAT, over 100 women manufacture a variety of handicrafts.

Dolls from Columbia

The co-operative Tantomejor was established in 1999 in Saboya and it works in the meanwhile with three other initiatives. Saboya has about 6000 residents near Chiquinquira, the capital of Departemento Boyaca, north of Bogota. Also this NGO enjoys cooperation of the DGFK. Over 100 women are engaged in the manufacture of handicraft items.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:31 PM, ,

Dolls Project in Greenland

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The idea for the project originated in the year 2002 and is based on the location of the west to east greenland. At first there were various contacts between Narsalik and Qaqortoq and in 2006 a meeting with the director of the group in greenland was held. The meeting took place in the south of the island.

The pre-conditions for the project were good due to the parallels in the locations as well as the income generating factors sheep breeding and tourism.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:30 AM, ,

Pakistan House

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Ruksana Hussain of AeFeA from TGD has visited several institutions in Berlin (art workshop, friendship center / special bilingual nursery, center for special education). Here she is shown standing in front of Punjab Gate / Pakistan House Potsdam. She participated in an event at Landgut Borsig - project where the village women produced the prototype for Mr and Mrs Borsig from 1866; the dolls made are a Pakistan-Greek-German production.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:11 AM, ,

Hydro Agricultural Project

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Medical examinations in the past have shown, for example, that all children under 6 years had digestion problems caused by unhygienic water. The subsequent survey regarding quality of drinking water in households confirmed the medical suspicions. The promotion of clean drinking water is therefore of primary importance. Here is a brief about some of the projects undertaken in the village:

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:30 AM, ,

Honorable Mention

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action five e.V Bonn
Built Heritage
Cameroon Centre for Appropriate Technology
Die Induskultur (German)
Dolls from Pakistan
Dolls of the World - Sonopses of a Book
Dorrit Yacoby Museum
Dorrit-Yacoby-Museum Slide Show
Explore Pakistan
Greenland Project
International Dolls Museum , Flateyri
Joachim PoLzer's [docfilmunit]
Lahore Museum
Landgut Borsig
Light Within
Mobashir's Blog
Plot of a Documentary
Tangled Thread
Tanto Mejor Por La Paz, Saboya
Thatta Kedona at ATP
Thatta Kedona at Asian Smiles
Thatta Kedona at Crystal Clear
Thatta Kedona at Desicritics
Thatta Kedona at Echalicious
Thatta Kedona at Education by Sistrunk
Thatta Kedona at Maria's Blog
Thatta Kedona at Metro Blog
Thatta Kedona at Teeth Maestro
Thatta Kedona at The Organic Brew
Thatta Kedona's photo stream
The Class
The 21st Century
Toy Village of Pakistan
Tum jo chaho to sunno
UAE Project
Visit Pakistan Year - 2007
World of Dolls
NY Mafia

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:07 AM, ,

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