Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Pakistani-German Workshop for Handicraft

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Workshop for Handicraft

on the Stober Estate in GrossBehnitz

Saturday, 29th of July 2023


Dr Senta Siller + Sabine Piltz 

 (DGFK e.V. Berlin, CULTURA e.V. Nauen)

Shehnaz Ali + Amjad Ali

( AFA NGO in Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka)

introducing the fish-skin-project / SPOKU Polonia

introducing the upcycling project / Cultura e.V. introducing the beads project


Special Guests:

Sonja Baum, Manuela Kiss

(International Lyceum Club Berlin e.V.)

Amjad Ali shows the facebook presentation of AFA / Thatta Kedona

ORGANIZATION: Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch / Landgut Stober.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:41 AM, ,

Visit of Amjad Ali and Shenaz in Gross Behnitz project with Senta Siller

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Kitchen Garden
Insect House

Senta Siller, Amjad Ali and Shahnaz

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:12 PM, ,

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