Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Frequently Asked Questions

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From information we got from internet, we would also like to start an income generating measure: what must we do?

Motivation to do something, inspiration and vision and the readiness to find a new way and a new product are necessary to start.

How can we manufacture dolls in traditional clothes economically?

It is not the cheap manufacturing that should be the main consideration rather affectionate conversion of traditional dresses into dolls.

How do you judge the use of technology in the manufacture of handicraft?

The use of technology should always be seen in connection with the quantity; use of machine means larger and larger quantity, reduction in price and reduction in the individual quality of these products. Investments need finance. Even if you get the machines as donation, please don’t forget the cost for its operation and maintenance.

We are a group of about 60 women, who would like to earn money, how many dolls must we manufacture in order to generate regular income?

The idea of the project is based on completely different assumptions, namely the idea of culturally friendly manufacturing. It always has more to do with earning some additional income along with income from agriculture; therefore the intention here is not to do this as a full time day job (8 hours per day).

How much do we earn from one doll?

A doll is manufactured as a rule by a trained woman. She is independent in her work and not employed and it is up to her to distribute her work according to her possibilities. The sales price also includes cost of material and transport. The income of the doll maker is about 30% of the sales price.

How can we manufacture dolls in a rational, effective and optimal manner?

It is possible that there is a misunderstanding. Unique handicraft products and dolls should be manufactured with affection and individually. Each piece is different than the other.

How can we get cheap materials (polyester cloth, industrial thread)? Is this a good starting position for handicraft manufacture?

The traditional handicraft is based on local, traditional materials; therefore modern materials are not suitable! Appropriate products must be developed from suitable materials like washable animal figures, balls etc.

Your manufacturing process does not appear to be very economical, why don’t you let clothes, shoes and accessories to be manufactured cheaply in a factory?

Since each piece is individually manufactured, the trained women should also get a fair income from their effort.

We want to start a factory for production of dolls, can you help us?

In principle yes, if it is clear to you, that these products have nothing to do with the idea of the DOLLS OF THE WORLD project.

Are the members of such an NGO project organized in unions?

The project is directed towards people in the rural areas, who were organized in traditional ways, but are today members of their own NGO, it is rather members of the city culture, who are organized in unions.

How big is the foreign influence on the local NGOs?

The idea of the project relates to sensitizing and schooling of the village women as well as guidance towards independent entrepreneurship, which can only be successful, when the idea of the project is clearly understood by the members.

Can you please send us statistical and other information for research and study project?

Interested persons can of course carry out field studies and work out the necessary information; many students also carry out different studies, and counseling can be provided if needed.

How many villages / NGOs can be integrated into manufacture of dolls?

The decisive question is not how many villages can participate in the project, but the marketing and the available capabilities, which have their limitations in the villages.

Which project information’s are available to interested persons?

A study by Dr. Senta Siller is available with the heritage museum Lok Virsa in Islamabad, Pakistan; if you type the project name and the name of volunteers on web you can get a lot of information.

How much money can I earn as a volunteer in the self health project?

All volunteers earn the same: nothing. They pay for their journey and all other costs themselves.

How can I participate in the self-help projects?

Young, middle aged and old persons can participates in the projects, if they are ready to collect experiences in different cultures; there are also introductions by German speaking coaches, who discuss the different possibilities of engagement.

Who can finance my participation?

This depends on the individual capacity of the interested persons.

How can a new group manufacture traditional dolls in best of quality?

Step by step.

Who can take over the function of the leader?

All persons, who are well versed in design, ethnology and materials processing.

What are the responsibilities of the group leadership?
Which target groups can be approached at first in the country of manufacture?
How can the products be marketed economically?
Who can market the product responsibly and cost effectively?

What possibilities of advertising are available?
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:35 AM,


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