Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

About Autonomous Bio-molecular and Poly-crystalline Organisms in Construction Structures

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Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch (M.CE., M.Arch., MBA), Lahore

The term Housing 1) was discussed in some of our recent articles and we referred there to the Cultural Model 2), in which the human effort is actively promoted, -the traditional one as well as the so called traditional one.

Although it was not possible to completely avoid the conflict between religion and science, still we were able to describe in one go a new cultural formula 3).
The Inter-dependencies 4) between the individual areas can be epoch-making, for example currently the economy.

Is an individual area so important, it can be compared with a cold star in the astronomical terminology.

In our example this would mean that the economy does continue to play its role but not in its current ly known form.

The history of science amply proves that followers of a certain surviving form or method cannot be easily convinced through arguments. As the Nobel-prize winning scientist Max-Planck once said, the next generations will be "normally" working with things that today appear to be cimpossible or non-sensical. This should mean that it takes only one generation to make unthinkable quite normal.

The technology is extremely dependent upon the economy and therefore economic considerations appear always to play a role, which however is only short-term and short-sighted and actually based upon a postponement of the problems and actually assumes the problems of Resource-wastage, environmental pollution and destruction of cultural values 5), which however also requires the ability to recognize these losses. One cannot and does not want to recognize something which one cannot see !
A holistic 6) way of looking at things is the necessity here. A view of the situation in totality, which is hardly possible in the current era of times pressures, which prevent reflection on the real causes and contemplative view of things.

We understand ourselves as logical and systematic thinkers, but actually cannot afford to be such because it would be "philosophically" simply too laborious. This means, we would gladly like to think logically and systematically, but cannot do it because a "philosophical" consideration requires too much effort.

Buckminster Fuller 7) and Frei Otto 8), both well-known construction designers of the 20th century created -possibly unknowingly- the basis for self-organizing physical-chemical constructional structures, which should enable us in current times to work towards a new form of construction.
A salient feature thereby would be return back from the current form of economy, something which originated in the 19th century, was "euro-centered" and functioning fantastically, but also very limited, because one cannot construct without money. The current construction is characterized through short-term considerations because long-term considerations are considered "un-economical".

Now, such processes should be seen not as "either-or" alternatives but rather as "as well as" options.

Traditional, conventional and industrial construction solutions will continue to exist and one will try to derive new ideas from them.

To these new ideas belong for example the concept of valuation of land, which originated in the western world and which was never so important in the traditional cultures.
To these ideas belongs also the cooking culture , which has become obsolete with the development of the foodstuff industry.

To these ideas also belongs the possibility of computer regulated toilets 9), which show a way away from metabolic disposal towards raw-material production.

The unintended effects of general human behaviour lead in this way to a change in climate, how else could the climatic changes have taken place in pre-historical times, - ample proof that there exist influences, which over a period of time steer and accellerate the structures quicker and in an unpleasant way.

The subject of Housing under extreme climatic and environmental conditions 10) therefore becomes important in a hitherto unknown way found only in science-fiction novels in which a scenario of space stations and colonizations on other planets is discussed.

Not only in this context but also the developing changes ask for a new way and a new approach.
Examples here are available for example in the previous Soviet Union through the construction of the so-called "Koslow-Productio-Lines" 11) leading to totally uniform apartment complexes.

The term Mobile Parks is well known from the mightiest economic power of the last century. The Metabolism-Project 12) in the bay of Tokyo; and also the development and establishment of the Container-Hotels 13) in the current times may be seen in the same context.
The loss of traditional craftsmanship or the application of robots in the production process, all such developments are signs of severe change.

Growing populations in the cities, combined with the necessary high costs cassociated with the required technical infra-structure, the sinking amounts of collected taxes in the urban regions and many other factors are signals which also indicate a change in the urban envirionment.14)

Human Transpiration and Aspiration as well as Metabolism 15) appear to be more appropriate in a closed system whereas in the modern designed urban world they only have a very superficial importance.

Should we compare the changes between city and semi-urban lifestyles and rural lifestyles, gross differences are immediately recognizable in -for example- toilets, cooking practices, etc.
The construction is carried out technologically and therefore under economic aspects, the basic concept has however has remained unchanged.

Considering the above aspects one can recognize a certain soft tendency towards independent construction organisms, more visible in the area of Bionics.16) Biomolecular17) and polycristalline18) Structures will permanently change the way we live. The currently available technical infra-structure in buildings, cities, regions will be confronted with enormous challenges in such a scenario.

In future, under the current economic Dogma, a piece of land, a factory, a product, will not be able to produced in a logical way. All states, which have taken over the western systems are limiting themselves enormously and they will not be able to cope with the problems in future.
The first examples of integrated Production lines19) already exist, but they are not given due importance and the current production systems considered the only possibility.

The areas discussed here amply show a critical appraisal of the deficiencies and point to the necessity of a development of holistic view of things and appropriate action.

A transformation is already taking place, in which elements of traditional cultures (technical as well as general) are appraised anew and lead to the closed system, behind which follow changes in social customs in areas like Kitchen, bath, living, working etc.

In private as well as in public life, the technical infrastructure paves the way for autonomous construction organisms, which are more directed towards the nature (biomolecular and polycristalline).

Literature / Remarks:

1) Housing
December 2006, p.54,55,56,
July 2007, p.31, December 2007, p.50-54
May 2009, p. 49-51

2) Cultural Model

3) Cultural formula
C = f ( N* + c* ( PRE <-> paste))

4) Inter-dependencies
Contrary to the term Inter-dependence, the term Dependence indicates a relationship without an opposite dependence. The socalled western eonomy in its originating countries influences all facets of life including the culture. Its main strength lies in creating restrictions, which does not work if you are operating globally.

5) Postponement of the problems, problems of Resource-wastage, environmental pollution, destruction of cultural values
Results of the western system

6) Holistic
a holistic approach

7) Richard Buckminster Fuller
(July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983) was an American architect, author, designer, inventor, and futurist.
8) Frei Paul Otto
(31 May 1925) is a German architect and structure engineer.

9) computer regulated toilets
affects directly the medical-therapeutic area as well as the technical infra-structure and metabolism.

10) Housing under extrem Climate- and Environment-conditions
The waveband between the traditional nature-oriented holistic system and the closed system.

11) Koslow-Strassen
Frol Romanovich Kozlov (18 August 1908 - January 30, 1965) was a Soviet statesman, Hero of Socialist Labour Movement (1961).

responsible under Chrutschow for the Industrial.Complex, and with that for the finished part construction lines.

12) Metabolism-Project
Japanese movement (1959: Kisho Kurokawa, Kiyonori Kikutake, Fumihiko Maki, Sachio Otaka und Noboin Kawazoe) with the vision of a city of the future inhabited by a large population and characterized by large scale, flexible and extensible structures that enable an organic growth process. But Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms to maintain life too. The SUME (Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe) was established with the vison and goal to create new basics for long-term sustained development of cities in Europe.

13) Container-Hotels
Replace more expensive long-term advantage with cheap short.term advantage as a result of the western-oriented system.

14) Graphs

15) Transpiration and Aspiration and Metabolism:
Absorption of diverse body gases for the purpose of reprocessing and reusing.

16) Bionics
Bionics (also known as biometics, bio-inspiration, biognosis, biomimicry, or bionical creativity engineering) is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.

17) Biomoleculare structure
Through expansion of definition and meaning, bio-chemical processes are integrated into construction concepts leading to a deviation from the conventional-industrial path of development.

18) Polycristalline structure
Through expansion of definition and meaning, solid-body structures from nature are transformed and introduced into construction methods.

The combination of structures from the "living" and "dead" matter leads to the necessary solutions in closed systems in construction environment and introduces a new form of resource utilization and infra-structure, which has to find its place in the present time.

19) Integrierte Produktionsanlagen
A piece of land – a factory ./. combination of different production with reciprocal usage benefits

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:57 AM,


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