Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Happy Birthday - Dr. Senta Maria Anna Siller

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On the occasion of the birthday of Dr. Siller Siller, I on my own behalf and on the behalf of all friends of Thatta Kedona, take  the opportunity to thank her heartily for her exemplary and untiring efforts towards the cause.

Happy Birthday to Dr. Senta Maria Anna Siller – the honorable Mother of Dolls who is recipient of Floriade (the Netherlands), Gestaltetes Spielgut (Creative Toys – German Toys Industry), Bundesverdienstkreuz (highest civil order of merit of the Federal Republic of Germany) and many more honors.

We recommend Dr. Senta Maria Anna Siller for Pakistan President's Award for Pride of Performance.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:53 PM,


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