Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Thatta Kedona Timeline

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Projects line Thatta Kedona require specific efforts and public relations. Unlike projects in highly populated areas or in cities, they are constantly in danger of being suppressed or ignored by the townsfolk. Therefore the village development project Thatta Kedona is keeping intense contacts with customers, other NGOs and colleges and involves NGO members in more than one ways including sending the NGO members abroad. Here are the statistics for three years:

Dubai Shopping Festival with Mr. Muhammad Ilyas, Ms Ruksana under the supervision of a Senior Expert Service voluntary worker.

Summer academy with English crash course for seven village women under the supervision of an Australian voluntary worker.

Dubai Shopping Festival with Ms Kanem, Ms Ruksana, Q-Damm Mile Berlin with Mrs Farzana.

International Workshop Island with Mrs Farzana under the supervision of a volunteer.

In port shop and market of the continents with Mr Ansar Ali under the supervision of two volunteers.

Internship at the 'Deutsche Welle' with Farooq Ahmed.

Dubai Shopping Festival with Mr Ansar Ali.

The on-site support was made possible through the SES, which covers flight costs for experts, provided that the local contracting body can prove an economic interest and document it with an audited accountancy. The organization has to commit to providing local transport, accommodation and food for the experts. This autumn there are five experts of the SES in TGD, where the original arts and crafts project has in the meantime developed into twelve different projects:

Accommodation for visitors and tourists are existing in the Village. Village Museum as tourists’ attraction is under preparation.

Installation of a teaching facility

Development of prototypes for electricity and hot water supplies. Preparations are in hand for training and sales.

Collection of plastics waste

Building and Architecture
Fourth award for the preservation of Cultural Heritage (best mud house, best brick house, best detail).

Music and Education
Training for young village boys in traditional music

Agriculture and Water
A water project –- small experimental plot -- will be financed by a service club. Planting of 'kitchen gardens' is extensively encouraged.

Development of new products

Public Health
Improvement of the local health service

Communication and Information
Preparations for a radio channel for the district

Packaging and improvement of national and international sales

A Women Art Center, a 'Technology Transfer and Training Center and a Basic Health Unit in the village as well as a showroom in Lahore are functioning. All volunteers from abroad are either seniors (former general managers, directors, professors), juniors (students, beginners) or people in middle life who work and learn with the villagers, who so far had visitors and guests from over 40 countries.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:30 AM,


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