Thatta Kedona

Culture is a Basic Need

Welcome Chaudhry Norbert

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It's autumn, Dr Norbert Pintsch (commonly called Chaudhry Norbert in the Dolls Village) has been coming to Pakistan in the fall for years, this time however very briefly.

Dr Norbert Pintsch with Professor Ismat Baig, Dr Kumail Rizvi, Maj Hussain and Shirazi in Lahore School of Economics
The village project of the AFA in TGD is growing - now with a new management. It is hoped to link up with the positive developments of the past, also to go for more ways and to find new opportunities in future.

After many years of cooperation, Mr Ilyas was able to become independent with his extensive experience. In the past he was committed to selling handicrafts by village artisans both at home and abroad.

Dr Norbert will continue to visit his friends and keep in touch, presumably there will be lectures again. In order not only to denounce air pollution, wastage of resources, etc but to lead by example, X will increasingly use video over the Internet (examples are available on the internet for students).

An initiative to support the women's project of the AFA, now named as SSDC, worked for the SSS / a type of foundation years ago and would like to become active again for the material preservation of the village project, under the head of Mr Ghayyoor and the tekedar Iqbal.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:20 PM,


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